Great Overnight Stop: Schulenburg, TX (I-10 exit 674)

What makes Schulenburg, Texas a great overnite stop? Consider this… you’ve traveled all day, you’re tired, hungry, the kids are wired… you get the picture. What you really need right about then is that perfect overnite stop… an exit where you feel safe and comfortable… an exit with a good mix of a read more…
The article: Great Overnight Stop: Schulenburg, TX (I-10 exit 674), was originally published on I-10 Exit Guide
North Carolina’s Booze It and Lose It Holiday Enforcement Campaign Begins

The Christmas lights won’t be the only thing lighting up the night this holiday season. Now through January 2, law enforcement officers will be stepping up patrols across the state to stop impaired drivers as part of the Booze It and Lose It holiday enforcement effort.
“If you’re out celebr read more…
The article: North Carolina’s Booze It and Lose It Holiday Enforcement Campaign Begins, was originally published on I-95 Exit Guide
Traffic Alert: Work Zone Speed Camera Enforcement Begins on I-95 in Maryland

In coordination with the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) and Maryland State Police (MSP) Maryland SafeZones Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) program, the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) will deploy ASE equipment for construction activities read more…
The article: Traffic Alert: Work Zone Speed Camera Enforcement Begins on I-95 in Maryland, was originally published on I-95 Exit Guide
I-95 Closures for Construction Work Thru December 18 in Delaware

The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) announces to motorists that construction activities to transition to I-95 Rehabilitation Phase 2 Construction will require closures of I-95 Southbound in Wilmington.
Dates (pending weather) and Location:
Monday December 13 through Thursday read more…
The article: I-95 Closures for Construction Work Thru December 18 in Delaware, was originally published on I-95 Exit Guide